The New Year is a time that’s full of promise. During this period, many people dream of attaining better relationships, practicing healthier habits, and improving their overall quality of life.
But after the initial excitement has worn off, many people find themselves losing their resolve and falling back into old habits.
It can be especially hard to stick to your goals if you’ve set a New Year’s resolution to become sober. The good news is that change is possible. The key to establishing sobriety in the new year is to set specific, attainable goals for yourself and to reach out to friends and family for support.
Once you have a clear plan of action and the support you need, addiction recovery will be within reach! Here are 10 tips to help you set an achievable New Year’s Resolution for sobriety in the new year.
How to Get Sober For the New Year
Make Specific Goals
While it may be easy to tell yourself you’ll stop drinking alcohol in the New Year, without a specific goal in mind, it can be hard to stick to your word.
Instead of simply making a statement, invest some time in creating a specific plan of what you want to achieve. Write down the reasons you want to quit drinking, what you hope to accomplish while sober, and how you’ll prevent yourself from drinking in challenging situations.
Weeks and months down the line, you can return to your initial plan for reference. It may help guide you through difficult situations and remind you why you set this goal in the first place.
Avoid Temptation
Even if you set solid goals for sobriety, you may find yourself in challenging social settings that test your resolve. Unfortunately, social events and celebrations in our society often include alcohol. While this factor doesn’t have to ruin your sobriety, it is important to plan for these occasions.
Take some time to consider situations where you may be tempted by alcohol. Then, plan how you’ll respond in the moment. For example, you may simply say, “No, thank you” when someone offers you a drink, or you may want to explain that you’re getting sober. Alternatively, you may need to avoid the situation entirely—skip out on certain activities or suggest a different activity that doesn’t involve any alcohol.
Tell Friends and Family
You don’t have to get sober alone! Reach out to supportive friends and family members to share your goal for the new year. Ask them to hold you accountable for your goals and to offer extra encouragement and support during this challenging transition.
Reach Out For Support
Remember that asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness. In fact, building a support network is one of the most important things you can do to protect your sobriety in the new year.
Besides the support of your loved ones, consider seeking out a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous. You might also consider professional recovery coaching. Recovery coaching is carried out by a certified addiction specialist who helps you set attainable goals, stay on track, and build a future beyond substance abuse.
Find Fulfilling Hobbies
When you quit drinking, you may find you have more time on your hands than ever before. To keep yourself busy and avoid temptation, try taking up a new hobby.
Some great ideas for hobbies include playing a musical instrument, bike riding, drawing or painting, playing board games with friends, cooking, and completing DIY projects.
If you’re not sure where to start, consider taking a class or watching a few tutorials online. Remember—you don’t have to be great at your hobby! It’s simply a way for you to pass the time while doing something you enjoy.
Develop a Healthy Lifestyle
When you cut out drinking from your life, you’re already making great strides to improve your health. However, it’s also important to take care of other areas of your body and mind to support yourself on the road to recovery.
Drink plenty of water and eat a good balance of nutrient-rich foods. You should also take time each day to exercise or go for a walk. Lastly, don’t forget to nurture your mental health and social needs. Spend time with friends and family regularly. On days no one’s available, you can always attend a class, neighborhood event, or chat with people online.
When your body and mind are feeling good, you’ll have a much easier time resisting the temptation to drink.
Work on Managing Stress
It’s common for people to use alcohol as a coping mechanism for the stresses of daily life. If you used to drink during social events to loosen up, or after work to unwind, you may find it hard to let go of these habits.
Fortunately, there are a wide variety of other activities that can reduce stress in your life. Exercise, meditation, and walking are all great options for reducing stress and anxiety. Listening to music and engaging in a creative hobby can also be helpful.
When you feel the urge to drink in the new year, try one of the hobbies listed above. You’ll likely find that you can relax significantly without the need for any alcohol.
Take it One Day at a Time
Becoming sober from drugs and alcohol is one of the most rewarding things you can do in life, but the prospect of being sober for an extended period may be daunting. Instead of focusing on the long term, try to handle each day as it comes.
All you need to do is stay sober today, and when tomorrow comes, have trust that you’ll do your best to stay sober then, too. The future is out of your hands, but your purpose today is clear and achievable.
You can do this!
Don’t Be Afraid to Seek Treatment
While the tips we’ve listed above are great advice for seeking sobriety this New Year, it’s important you don’t rule out professional addiction treatment.
After all, alcohol addiction is a serious issue that greatly affects both your body and mind. Overcoming this hurdle without professional help can be extremely difficult, no matter how strong your mental attitude is.
Professional Recovery Coaching to Keep You on Track
If you’re looking to become sober from alcohol this year, we encourage you to reach out to the addiction specialists at Drew Horowitz & Associates. Our team provides professional interventions, sober coaching, and sober companions to help individuals meet their goals.
Call (800) 731-0854 to learn how our services can help you on your journey to recovery.